There are still some hanging baskets available, if you would like to purchase one before June 7 email or look for Ms G or Mrs Wuori during dismissal (2:30 M-F) and they can assist you.
It was an exciting week in 1st grade- chick hatching! First graders have been learning about the life cycle of chickens and have been observing eggs as they incubated for 21 days. On Wednesday baby chicks started hatching! Chicks went to their forever homes on Friday afternoon, they are missed but we all enjoyed having some furry chicks to enjoy.
5th Grade and the Stratton PTC put on Dinner and a Show last Thursday. 5th grade performed the comedy “Order Up”. Students in grades K-8 went to the community building and watched the dress rehearsal, there were lots of laughs had! Huge cudos to 5th grade for all their hard work in memorizing lines, truly embracing their characters, and a wonderful set design.
6th grade took a trip to KCs Creativity Center in Carrabassett Valley for art class. Students spent time working with clay and designing a piece of pottery.
See more posts in School News.