This Week at Stratton School- April 29, 2024

School News

April 29th, 2024

Happening This Week:

Upcoming Dates:

Other Update/Pics

Steel Drum- NE Pan Festival

The Stratton School Steel Drum Band will be heading to Augusta on Sunday 5/5 to participate in the New England Pan Festival. They will be performing along with many other NE bands at Cony High School.

Spring Celebration & Seedling Sale

We have grown TONS of seedlings that will be available at this years Spring Celebration.

Seedling varietals include, but are not limited to:

2nd Grade Bat Houses

Earlier this school year, 2nd graders learned about bats from Bracken Cave. This past week, students decorated bat houses that will now be hung high up in trees around the school property!

See more posts in School News.