Family Coat of Arms

Art With Mrs. Flight

January 25th, 2024

🛡 Come check out our Coat of Arms installation!!

Students across all grade levels have been working hard designing, developing, and showcasing their “Family Coat of Arms” which represents each students’ uniqueness.

This project is a cross-curricular collaboration including Art, French, and ELA classes. These coat of arms will be adorning the bulletin boards in our hallways, so we can all see each others hard work and learn more about our peers.

🌟 You are all invited to come check these beauties out on WEDNESDAY JANUARY 31st from 3-4pm (prior to the Bobcat Basketball players taking on Carrabec on home court).

Mrs Beauregard and Mrs Flight will be here to talk with families about the process students took to develop these masterpieces.

We hope you will come by!

See more posts in Art With Mrs. Flight.