Baseball Update:
We are sad to say that we are not able to continue baseball practice due to lack of interest. We have held several practices but without 6-7 students consistently it's not conducive to continue. Please encourage your student to toss a ball around with a family member or friend and hopefully we can field a team next year with vigor! - Mrs. Emery

This Week at Stratton School- March 11, 2024

School News

March 11th, 2024

Happening This Week:

Upcoming Dates:

Other Update/Pics

French Class News

🍁 On Wednesday, March 6th, Julie Rancourt visited our 7 & 8 graders and taught students about the maple sugaring process.

Madame Rancourt explained the work behind the product. Students learned about the time and effort involved in tapping (on snow shoes) all 20,000 trees, how to space them, as well as the process of taking out and sanitizing every tap!

She also talked about the Canadian sugaring culture and the joy of food and family time at the “cabane à sucre” (sugar house). Students had the opportunity to sample maple water, sugar water (after it’s gone through the osmosis process), and then the final product – maple syrup.

🤩 A heartfelt thank you to Madame Rancourt for your time, and for an enriching, fun, and informative experience!! Merci mille fois!!

March Harvest of the Month

🥚🦬🐟 March Harvest of the Month is Maine Proteins! 🐄🐓

Want to celebrate Harvest of the Month as a family? Here are a few ideas:

🧑‍🍳🍗 Get the family involved in cooking with “Shake n Bake” style chicken. Just put a few chicken strips in a gallon size freezer bag, add breadcrumbs, and seal. Have your little (or big) shake the bag until all the chicken is covered. Transfer the chicken to a baking pan and cook until done.

Try a new recipe! Check out these yummy ideas from Maine Harvest of the Month or try a recipe from the 🐾📘 Bobcat Cookbook (reach out if you would like to get your hands on one)!

🤪 Feeling adventurous? Try a protein you’ve never had before, perhaps tofu or tempeh.

🎉 We are soooo excited to share that we have some super local proteins on the menu this month for our HOM meals. We are serving 🥚 local eggs from our community and we will be using some 🦬Bigelow Fields ground bison!! Can’t get much more local📍 than that!! 😀


See more posts in School News.