Baseball Update:
We are sad to say that we are not able to continue baseball practice due to lack of interest. We have held several practices but without 6-7 students consistently it's not conducive to continue. Please encourage your student to toss a ball around with a family member or friend and hopefully we can field a team next year with vigor! - Mrs. Emery

This Week at Stratton School- February 5, 2024

School News

February 2nd, 2024

Happening This Week:

Upcoming Dates:

Other Update/Pics

We recently had a special guest visitor… Jenny Piot!

Jenny is a World Cup and Olympic alpine skier and former member of the French National Ski Team!

She answered questions regarding her ski racing career and life in France. She also shared her guiding principles and what she cherishes most about both France and the United States. Students also enjoyed sharing some of their experiences skiing and showing off their French skills. It was an enlightening, fun, and inspirational experience for all. Merci beaucoup, Jenny!!

Pine Cone Basketball Tournament Schedule


See more posts in School News.