Baseball Update:
We are sad to say that we are not able to continue baseball practice due to lack of interest. We have held several practices but without 6-7 students consistently it's not conducive to continue. Please encourage your student to toss a ball around with a family member or friend and hopefully we can field a team next year with vigor! - Mrs. Emery

This Week at Stratton School- November 14, 2022

School News

November 14th, 2022

Happening this week:

Upcoming Dates:

Other Updates:

Stratton School is seeking an After School Program Coordinator. The After School Program runs from 2:30-4:30 Monday-Thursday following the school year calendar.

For more information or for an application please reach out to Kathy Matthews at 246-2283 or

Eustis School Department is looking for an Alpine Ski Coach

If interested or for more information contact Kathy Matthews at 246-2283 or

Updates/Pictures from Last Week:

We hosted a Scholastic Book Fair in the library this past week. Thank you to everyone who came and supported our fair! We were able to raise funds to get books in all kids hands, books for classrooms, and books for our school library.

Peter Farnsworth and the Eustis Masons joined us on Friday for a flag folding ceremony. They also taught us about proper flag retirement and we participated in a flag burning ceremony.

Grade 3 embraced the beautiful weather last week and took their learning to the lake. Students brought cushions to sit on that were donated by the PTC. Thank you Stratton PTC!

Ms G talked with classes throughout the school about an upcoming project for our school garden. We are making a community cookbook! If you would like to submit a recipe for the cookbook you can contact Erin Greatorex at

See more posts in School News.